5 BrandSpark Shopper Pulse Survey Insights Since COVID-19

5 Key Learnings from BrandSpark Shopper Pulse Surveys since COVID-19

On May 5th 2020, BrandSpark hosted an online round table with some of Canada’s brightest marketers to discuss marketing during and after COVID-19. We shared insights from our BrandSpark Shopper Pulse surveys which we have run each week since the pandemic began. Here we share 5 key learnings for consumer goods marketers in Canada.

If you’d like to access a full report on marketing during and after COVID-19 or would like to learn how our research can help position your brand to be on the right trajectory, email Scott Boyer, EVP BrandSpark at info@brandSpark.com

5 BrandSpark Shopper Pulse Survey Insights Since COVID-19

  1. Shoppers are planning further ahead and being more strategic about their trips.

With the ‘quick-trip’ to the grocery store being avoided by many shoppers, they are planning ahead to fulfill their needs in one trip. As they look to ‘stock-up’ they are more receptive to large formats, multi-packs, and adding ‘extras’ to their cart. Many shoppers are erring on the side of caution by purchasing rather than going without – a new driver of impulse buying.

  1. Interest in new products has increased.

After initially stocking up on their standbys, shoppers are looking for variety again. Spend in CPG remains high and it continues to be a good time to launch new products, but tactics should evolve to include e-commerce as a key pillar, and spend with retailers online and off should ensure your product stands out to hurried shoppers.

  1. Consumer reviews have become more impactful than ever.

The impact and ROI of review content has increased sharply. As shoppers evaluate new options on new channels they are going deep into review content. The habit of filtering for reviews identified as ‘helpful’ by other shoppers increased +9%pts. (Shopper Army reviews receive 11x the helpful votes vs. the average across the Bazaarvoice network based on 2019 data).

  1. Shopper interest in sales and promotional communication has returned.

While a typical level of promotion might not have been necessary to move your inventory, shoppers are still receptive and monitoring promotional media like flyers. After several weeks of spending more than normal on groceries, shoppers are eager for savings. As supply returns to match demand, be ready to activate competitive promotions.

  1. 4 in 10 shoppers have switched brands in some categories due to the pandemic.

Switching is being driven by three key drivers: necessity due to inventory issues, trade-down to save money, and trade-up due to an increased desire to treat themselves or otherwise bring home superior products.  Brands must ensure they maintain inventory at key retail channels to avoid having their users switch to competitors by necessity. Next, brands should identify if they have an opportunity to gain share with shoppers trading down or trading up and plan their short-term tactics accordingly. Reminding Canadians why they trust your brand can help retain your users and gain new ones.