Many Shoppers Want Brand Messages of Compassion and Solidarity Right Now

But results from BrandSpark’s recent survey of almost 1,000 shoppers pointed in a subtly different direction.  When asked which types of communication from brands resonated with them the most, a majority did select practical messages, but only a slight majority. This was split between protective or helpful messages (the overall leader) at 35% and informative messages (like where a product is made/ shopped from) at 21%. That left a significant percentage of shoppers looking for something else.

At the top of this list was “messages of compassion and solidarity” at 23%. Another 12% were most strongly drawn to messages of optimism and empowerment, while 5% were looking for something funny to distract them (though humorous messages may be polarizing currently).

Figure 1. Types of messages from brands that resonate the most with shoppers right now

In other words, this large share of shoppers was saying what resonated with them the most from brands wasn’t direct help with what they could individually do – it was showing that they understood what we are all dealing with. Marketers should definitely have this in mind when crafting their brand messaging right now, as connecting on this level will likely have a more lasting impact on elevating brand trust and brand stubbornness, or real loyalty to the brand.

BrandSpark can quickly and cost effectively test your potential brand messages from email to digital display to video to ensure your messages are resonating in today’s climate. Contact us at for more information.